Submarine is an original comedy which follows a 15-year-old boy who is desperate to lose his virginity before he hits 16, and is equally as desperate to save his parents on-the-verge-of-splitting-up relationship. The film is interestingly directed by none other than the IT Crowd star/comedian, Richard Ayoade, which I’m sure has helped to set the underestimated offbeat tone of the movie.
Submarine, starring Sally Hawkins (Never Let Me Go, Happy Go Lucky), Paddy Considine (Hot Fuzz, The Bourne Ultimatum), and Noah Taylor (Vanilla Sky) looks like an adorable, refreshing comedy that’ll be a laugh for all audiences.
Out on the 18th March
Little White Lies [Les Petits Mouchoirs] stars the incredibly beautiful Marion Cotillard (Inception, La Vie En Rose) and is directed by Guillaume Canet, the director of award winning Tell No One, who is also Cotillard’s boyfriend! It’s a sexy, funny relationship drama about a group of friends who go on holiday and ‘little white lies’ are unveiled. If the film is anything like the trailer depicts, Little White Lies will be a romantic, moving, and highly amusing arthouse film that we all must see – girls should drag along their boyfriends.
Little White Lies is out on the 15th April
After opening this year’s Sundance Film festival and being chosen as the official selection of the Berlin Film Festival 2010, Howl would be my third and final suggestion as ‘restrained indie film making at its best’ to you. Starring the incredible James Franco (127 Hours) and directed by academy award winners Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman, Howl see’s Franco as the celebrated American poet, Alan Ginsberg. The film see’s Franco adopt Ginsberg’s legendary charisma as he talks about his life. His most famous poem (you guessed it; Howl) is innovatively illustrated in animation on screen. Howl looks like a must see, if not for its genius cinematography (take a look at the trailer) or it’s upbeat, 60s jazz inflicted soundtrack, then simply for James Franco…no?
Howl is out in cinemas on the 25th February
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