The Social Network is a captivating tale about the founders of the social-networking site, Facebook, brought to you by award-winning director, David Fincher (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Fight Club) and writer Aron Sorkin (A Few Good Men, The West Wing).
This incredible character drama is engaging throughout, with witty dialogue and phenomenal acting (especially from Jesse Eisenberg who plays Facebook creator, Mark Zuckerberg.) The film is essentially made up of a series of flash-backs which pivot around a series of intense court cases between Zuckerberg, best friend/business partner, Eduardo Saverin (the adorable Andrew Garfield) who was 'unfairly' ousted from the creation, and the Havard contemporaries, The Vinklevoss twins, whom Zuckerberg allegedly stole his idea from.
The film, as just mentioned, boasts some remarkable acting, one being, surprisingly or unsurprisingly (people have their opinions) Justin Timberlake, who plays manipulative, Sean Parker, founder of music site, Napster, and this fundamentally drove the film for me- I wanted a place in those court cases to join the fight!
Facebook has grown extraordinarily, with over 500 million users, and whether it be to organise nights out or to have a peak at the new photos of your new baby niece, Facebook has come to play a significant part of our social lives (some find that harder to admit then others!). Because of this, audiences feel uniquely involved in the story of The Social Network, adding to the extraordinary ride.
Unsurprisingly praised by critics worldwide, and despite being disapointed to find out that the film is simply a 'spin' on the true events surrounding Zackerberg's founding, I am confident in my conclusion that The Social Network is a fast, fun and an ultimately fascinating film.
Out in cinemas now.